Walk & Talk Therapy

Taking therapy off the couch

Slow down, relax, and experience the beauty of nature. Many people live in artificial temperature-neutral environments that systematically cut them off from the natural world. This is unfortunate, as nature has been found to be a powerful de-stressor.According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, when we walk, potent brain chemicals called endorphins are released, helping to relieve pain and stimulate a relaxed, clear state often referred to as a ‘runner’s high’. Several studies now show that combining mindful awareness with walking can have dramatic stress-relieving, anti-anxiety, and calming results.

Walk & talk therapy gives our over-stimulated senses a chance to rest, and provides a great opportunity to get back in touch with our bodies and the life round us. Experiences in nature help us reawaken our senses and accept various changes in life. The simple act of walking while talking out life’s issues creates an environment of possibility and change.

“Elements of nature can aid in the healing process, providing hope where there appears to be none, knowing that the dawn follows the darkness, sunny skies emerge after storms and spring follows winter” ~Kirsti A. Dyer, MD, MS, FAAETS

“Nature is one place where miracles not only happen, but they happen all the time.” ~Thomas Wolfe

“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.” ~Plato